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Academic Writing

A full list of published, peer-reviewed articles is available in my CV.

Works in Progress

Taylor L. Hospitals at Public Agents. Target: Milbank Quarterly.

Casalino E, Pomory S, Harris W, Doernberg S, Taylor L. The Privatization of Public Hospitals. Target: Milbank Quarterly.

Yarkony A, McCormack R, Siegelson A and Taylor L. Swift Trust in the Emergency Department. Target: TBD

Taylor L and Yarkony A. Signaling Theory as a Framework for the Study of Trust in Healthcare. Target: TBD.

Under Review/Accepted

Berry K, Taylor L. A Dynamic View of Health Care Delivery Organizations’ Ethical Obligations. Perspectives on Biology and Medicine Special Report on Organizational Ethics. Under Review. .

Taylor L, Peek M, Gottlieb L. Considering the Ethics of Integration Health and Social Care. Perspectives on Biology and Medicine Special Report on Organizational Ethics. Under Review.

Pomory S and Taylor L. Complicity in Health Care’s Harms. Perspectives on Biology and Medicine Special Report on Organizational Ethics. Under Review.

Selected Published

Doernberg S, Richman B and Taylor L. Religious Monopolies. JAMA IM. October, 2024.

Greene, J, Wolfson D, Taylor L, Gibson D. Health Care Workers’ Trust in Leadership: Why It Matters and How Leaders Can Build It. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety. September, 2024.

Byhoff E, Rudel R, Taylor L. Thoughtful Investing in Social Care Management. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. June, 2024.

Taylor L and Nichols L. Lessons Learned from the Collaborative Approach to Public Good Investing (CAPGI). Health Affairs. Jan 2024.

Tsering D, Stauffer C, Gitzus J, Byhoff E, and Taylor L. More Than Checking a Box: Community-Based Perceptions of Medicaid 1115 Redesigns. Health Affairs Scholar. November 2023.

Taylor L, Franz B, Zink A, Fair A and Cronin C. Public Perceptions of Nonprofit, For Profit and Public Hospitals. Health Affairs Scholar. Vol 1, Issue 4. October 2023.

Warda E, Taye A, Perskin M, Taylor L. Does missing trust lead to overuse or underuse of health care services? Reflections on a puzzle. American Journal of Managed Care. Vol 29, Issue 8. 2023.

Taylor L, Singer S, Bhiuya N, Edmondson A, Aveling E. Building resilient partnerships: how businesses and nonprofit create the capacity for responsiveness. Frontiers in Health Services. Vol 3. 2023.

Aveling E, Roberts J, Taylor L, Bhiuya N, Singer S. Business-Nonprofits Collaborative Forms. Frontiers in Health Services. Vol 3. 2023.

Taylor L. Book Review: Big Med: Megaproviders and the High Cost of Health Care in America. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Vol 32, Issue 3. 2023.

Taylor L, Nong P, Platt J. 50 Years of Trust Research in Health: A Synthetic Review. Milbank Quarterly. Vol 101, Issue 1. 2023.

Taylor L, Lapite F, Kelsey B. Do Hospitals Have Legitimate Responsibilities Beyond the Delivery of Health Care? Hastings Center Report. 2022;23(4):6-9.

Keith D, Taylor L, Paine J, Dowidowicz A, Weisbach, R. When Funders Aren’t Customers: Reputation Management and Capability Underinvestment in Multiaudience Organizations. Organization Science 0(0).

Taylor L, Udeagbala O, Lekas HM, Biggs A, Ray K. Should a healthcare system facilitate racially concordant care for Black patients? Pediatrics. 2021; 148(4):e20210

Taylor L and Byhoff E. Money Moves the Mare: The Response of Community-Based Organizations to Health Care’s Embrace of Social Determinants. Millbank Quarterly. 2021; 99(1):171-20

Taylor L and Sayeed S. Research and Responsibility in Global Health: The Case of the Joining Forces Trial. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2020; 30(2) 111-13